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For Teachers and Parents
Learn to pronounce some of the words found in ABC's With The Vejigantes. Download the free pdf now.
Here are some fun coloring sheets you can print at home. Please feel free to use the hashtag #abcswiththevejigantes when you post on social media.
Other fun ways to use this book
Play "I Spy" with the fun illustrations found inside the book.
Counting With The Vejigantes
Practice your numbers with the "Quince" Vejigantes.
1 - Uno = oo-noh
2 - Dos = dohs
3 - Tres = trehs
4 - Cuatro = kwah-troh
5 - Cinco = seeng-koh
6 - Seis = seys
7 - Siete = syeh-teh
8 - Ocho = oh-choh
9 -Nueve = nweh-beh
10 - Diez = dyehs
11 - Once = ohn-seh
12 - Doce = doh-seh
13 - Trece = treh-seh
14 - Catorce = kah-tohr-seh
15 - Quince = keen-seh
Find the shapes
Search for shapes in the book!
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